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Community Driven Development(CDDP)



The National Commission for Social Action since its inception has the desire in the realization of sustainable development for rural communities, through the implementation of community-based demand-driven projects in support of Government’s national development priorities.

To actualize these desires, NaCSA through support from Government of Sierra Leone and other international development partners has implemented a lot of community development projects in communities across the country to address the issues of infrastructural breakdown that came as a result of the ten-year civil war that ravaged the country. Most of these facilities constructed now requires to be rehabilitated or reconstructed because of their lifespan

The traditional donor projects implemented by the Commission are restricted to specific districts, sections and communities based on the funds available while other deprived communities left unattended to.

The Community Driven Development Project (CDDP) is a community-based intervention, designed to respond to requests that come from communities through community structures to the Commission, that are related to construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of community facilities. The project is built upon lessons learnt from past community development projects implemented by NaCSA across the country.

With funding from the Government of Sierra Leone, the project will be implemented in phases in rural communities across the country; it will tend to address the issues around construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of community facilities such as: Health facilities, Markets, schools, community centres/Barrays, Grain stores and drying floors, water wells, toilets, skills training centres, etc. especially in areas that are not covered by our traditional donor projects.

 Each phase will contain a maximum of twelve sub-projects based on the funds available.

The project also contributes to improving the economic situations of the rural communities by:

  • Providing temporary job employment for the female and male youthful population living within the project communities and their immediate surroundings.

  •  It will also increase access to education through provision of additional space in schools rehabilitated and or constructed to remedy the issues of congestion emerging as a result of the free quality education.

  • It will as well improve the health and hygiene conditions of the communities by providing health facilitates and safe drinking water source

  • It will provide good drying and storage facilities for harvested crops to reduce post-harvest losses


Linkages; the project implementation strategy will encompass creating linkages with the District Councils, Ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education, Ministry of Health and Sanitation and community based structures in providing oversight during the implementation period and sustainability after the project is completed.

Programme Manager:   Patrick Libbie


Please feel free to reach out to us either at our headquarters, or at our district offices around the country.


Phone: +232 76 608439


14-16 Charlotte Street

Freetown, Sierra Leone

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