
Pro-Poor Growth for Peace Consolidation Programme- (GPC Phase III)
The Pro Poor-Growth for Peace Consolidation Project (GPC), commenced in 2006, as a result of a Financial Cooperation Agreement between the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany represented by the German Development Bank (KfW). The Program Executing Agency (PEA) in Sierra Leone is the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA).
In January 2019, GoSL and the Federal Republic of Germany through the German Development Bank (KfW) signed a Financial Cooperation Agreement of Euro 20,000 million for the extension of the GPC programme to a third phase -GPC III for a further four years to 2019-2023. This phase of the program is known as GPC III which succeeded the GPC I & II programs which ran from 2006-2018.
GPC III will build on the successes of the previous programs
Goal “Peace Consolidation”
Overall objective - improve the employment and income situation especially for youths in rural communities by providing enhanced economic infrastructure (feeder roads and bridges, grain stores with ancillary facilities, cattle paddocks and water wells) along selected agricultural value chains, constructed by using labor-intensive approaches.
The Programme has two integrated components as outlined below:
Provision of enhanced economic infrastructure along selected value chains of Rice Cocoa/Coffee and Cattle. This component aims at improving and extending market access by financing the construction of roads including bridges, grain storage with ancillary facilities, cattle paddocks and water wells
Forster the capacity of key stakeholders in operating and maintaining the built infrastructures for sustainability
The programme activities to be funded are as follows,
1.Infrastructure Investment
2. District Council Support on feeder road maintenance
3.Operation and Maintenance trainings
4.Consulting Service
5.NaCSA Operations
The GPC III Programme is implemented in selected chiefdom’s in the districts of;
2020 implementation year 175.8 KM of Feeder Roads under Rehabilitation/Construction
Kailahun (Njaluahun, Jahn & Kpeje Bongre Chiefdoms) – 61.6 Kilometers of Feeder roads under rehabilitated and 4 bridges (8-20 metres long) from Musalor to Sandaru
Kono (Tankoro, Gbane & Goroma Kono Chiefdoms-22 Kilometers of feeder roads under rehabilitated with 5 bridges (8-27 meters) from Woama to Malema
Koinadugu (Thamiso I & 11, Kalian Chiefdoms-60 Kilometers of feeder roads under rehabilitation with one 7-meter bridge from Sawuria to Kassasi, Madina Gbonkobor, Kasanikoro & Karasa
Fabala (Delmandugu, Kular Saradu & Neya Chiefdoms- 32.2 Kilometers of feeder roads under rehabilitation with one 20 meters span bridge from Bendukura to Sansagbaia
Programme Manager: Salifu Mansaray