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The Social Safety Nets project commonly called the Ep Fet Po project was launched in 2014 to establish core social protection systems and progressively expand the coverage of cash transfers to extremely poor households in Sierra Leone with the broad objectives of:

  • Making investments in human capital

  • Increasing consumption in poor and food-insecure households

  • Mitigating shocks

  • Additional support to households that have members who are persons living with a disability


Project Objective

  • The project development objective is to establish the key building blocks for basic national safety net system and provide income support to extremely poor households in Sierra Leone.


Implementing Agencies include:

  • The National Commission for Social Action (main)

  • The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)

  • Statistics Sierra Leone (Stats SL)

Project Components

  1. Development of Systems: The systems developed includes

    • Targeting Systems

    • Integrated Beneficiary Registry that creates linkages to existing national systems and social programs

    • Robust Management Information System (iv) Enhanced electronic payment system

    • Grievance redresses mechanism (GRM) and anti-corruption measures

    • strengthened social protection sector coordination mechanism

  2. Cash Transfers to Extremely Poor Households (with additional support to households with PLWDs) to cushion household’s consumption through income support to extremely poor households. It contributes to 15 percent of extremely poor household consumption and enhance behavioral change

  3. Project management & Capacity building


September 2019, beneficiaries from all previous phases EXIT the project and the Government of Sierra Leone and the World Bank signed a Financing Agreement for additional finance of US$30m to implement the SSN project nationwide and support up to 71,000 households.

Programme Manager:   


Please feel free to reach out to us either at our headquarters, or at our district offices around the country.


Phone: +232 76 608439


14-16 Charlotte Street

Freetown, Sierra Leone

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