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              Frederick Ofei Kofi Addai - Senior Director Support Services  
                     FCCA, FCA-SL, MBA, M.Sc(Devp. Studies)B.Sc (Econs)

Mr. Addai is a Chartered Accountant with demonstrated abilities and proven academic and professional background with 33 years extensive experience spanning Governance, Financial Management, Accounting and Budgeting, Auditing, Risk Management and Compliance, Administration (including procurement & logistics), Ports Management and Project Management,

As Senior Director Support Services, Mr. Addai coordinates all aspects of financial management and operations, including accounting and financial systems; budgeting; procurement; and financial reporting. Mr. Addai supervises finance, administrative and human resources, and procurement staff; and ensure that adequate and appropriate internal controls are in place. Mr. Addai oversees the implementation of policies, procedures, and systems for administration and human resource management and financial support services, and has vast experience on large, complex, donor-funded international development projects, overseeing project operations and management of sub-grants and sub-contracts.

Mr.Addai has worked in large Institutions and has held senior management positions as Chief Financial Officer; Financial Analyst at National Commission for Privatisation; Financial Consultant/Adviser at the Sierra Leone Ports Authority; Programme Accountant at the European Union/Sierra Leone Rehabilitation and Resettlement Programme (EC/SLRRP); and Finance and Admin Manager at the International Federation of the Red Cross/ Red Crescent Society (IFRC/S) and Accountant at the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society. He has been involved in two start-up organisations. Mr. Addai was Senior Partner at PKF Mason Hill and Chief Executive Officer Kofi Addai and Associates.



Please feel free to reach out to us either at our headquarters, or at our district offices around the country.


Phone: +232 76 608439


14-16 Charlotte Street

Freetown, Sierra Leone

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