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The Sao-Kpato Transformation Concept(Building the resilience of people and communities)

IEC Unit

It has taken a year since the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone - His Excellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio appointed Dr. Sao-Kpato Hannah Isatta Max-Kyne as Commissioner of the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA). Her appointment was a demonstration of the commitment expressed by the New Direction government to strategically increase women’s leadership.

Professional Background

Prior to her current appointment, she served as Deputy Commissioner of NaCSA. She had served as Assistant Director- General for Policy and Technical Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation providing technical oversight of the Technical and Economic Cooperation Directorate and the Research, Planning and Knowledge Management Directorate. She also worked as Project Coordinator, PeaceBuilding Fund Secretariat, in the Ministry of Finance & Economic Development providing technical and secretariat support to the Technical Review Committee. She was part of the team that initiated the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Process in Sierra Leone, starting with the Interim PRS and the PRSP 1. During the course of her career, she has worked with many international agencies and non-governmental organizations in various capacities, on national poverty reduction and development policies and programmes. She was the Social Action and Poverty Alleviation Expert with the AfDB funded Social Action and Poverty Alleviation (SAPA) Programme in the National Commission for Reconstruction, Resettlement and Rehabilitation (NCRRR); and Programme Manager Relief and Resettlement, leading the development of the post-war resettlement strategy for Sierra Leone.


Sao-Kpato is a highly accomplished academician with a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Development in African Studies and Research from Howard University, Washington DC, USA; MBA from University of Maryland University College, USA; MSc in Sociology and Anthropology with specialty in Social Change and Development from Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria; and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and History from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. She has spent close to thirty years in university teaching and research collectively at Fourah Bay College and the Institute of Public Administration and Management in the University of Sierra Leone; Njala University, Sierra Leone; University of Liberia; and Howard University in the United States.


Sao was part of the managerial team that transformed the Commission into a permanent government agency and upon her appointment as Commissioner, she conducted a comprehensive institutional review. The essence was to better align the available human resources to achieve the new mandate. with supports from the Government of Sierra Leone and donor partners, the Commission is currently managing five projects with the following summary achievements:

In collaboration with partners, through COVID -19 SSN and ECT, NaCSA provided Cash transfers to 73,000 extremely poor and vulnerable households nationwide including People Living with Disabilities (PLWDs). 35,000 for extremely poor and vulnerable households have been targeted and delivered first, second and third tranche payments. Successfully targeted and delivered payments to 68,000 low-income workers and market traders

Provided micro-grants and productive skills development for 5,000 Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) including Albinos in urban communities nationwide and household heads of residual case load of refugees and vulnerable host communities. 253 Households with a population of 1000 families of the residual caseload, previous locally integrated refugees, vulnerable community members and persons with specific needs received COVID-19 intervention cash grants and preventive materials.

Rehabilitated/reconstructed 50 infrastructure and community facilities (schools, markets, community centers, grain stores, health centers, etc. 24 Grain stores with ancillary facilities have been constructed; Rehabilitation and construction of 16 Primary, 14 Junior and 10 Senior Schools, 3 Community Markets, 6 Community Health Centers, 4 Grain stores, 4 Skills Training centers. In addition, 24 grain stores with ancillary facilities have also been constructed.

Other community structures rehabilitated/constructed by GoSL include Community centers, additional Community markets, Football field perimeter fence, Community schools, Recreational center, Distribution of 10 bundles of CI sheet to 105 damaged household as disaster response, additional 9 primary & 3 JSS schools, 8 Community Health Post with 10 VIP Latrines completed, 3 Model market at advance stage and 75 Single Solar Kiosk completed

Supported 4 District Councils (Kono, Koinadugu, Kailahun, Falaba) to routinely maintain of 400Km feeder road, Construct/rehabilitate 220Km of feeder roads, provided temporary employment for 7,000 rural youths, Constructed/rehabilitated 220 Kms of feeder roads.

The Commission also completed the Construction of 10 Public and 300 family VIP toilets in 7 Rural Growth Poles/Chiefdoms, 7 Reticulated Water Supply Systems in 7 Chiefdom Headquarter towns. This will supply water 2-3 km from townships. Construct 62 Boreholes and 63 hand dug wells with hand pumps. Communities and families in 7 Rural Growth Poles provided with: IP toilets, 300 family toilets, Reticulated water supply, 125 boreholes and hand dug wells, 30 VIP & 275 family toilets completed (75% completion rate), 137 Boreholes and 20 Hand Dug water wells have been constructed.

This year, the focus is in strategic and Resource Mobilisation.

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