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NaCSA Builds the Capacity of Local Councils on Implementing Social Protection Programmes.

Bo District Council Hall, Bo city, 18th June, 2023 – The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has commenced a four-day capacity building workshop for all district councils and municipalities across the country. The rationale for this intervention is to broaden the knowledge base of the councils’ technical staff and further establish the roles and responsibilities in implementing social protection interventions.

Critical insights on implementation processes and procedures were coined into the following training modules; Clear definition of Social Protection and various forms, the 3-tier targeting approach - geo-targeting, Community based targeting & Proxy Means testing; Management Information Systems, Grievance Redress Mechanism/ Anti-Corruption measures, Sexual & Gender Based Violence/Sexual harassment & Abuse, Social Protection payment systems, Monitoring & Evaluation systems, Communication for Development, Financial Management of Social protection projects (especially donor funded projects), the use of targeting tools (ODK & Paper tool), Audit Principles, Management Information System, Procurement regulations and Environmental and social framework.

It could be recalled that NaCSA has implemented various projects including the just concluded Covid-19 Ep Fet Po/Social Safety Net Projects and the first and second phase of the Emergency Cash Transfer. Over a million Sierra Leoneans particularly the extremely poor, most vulnerable including women and persons with disability have been reached with unconditional cash transfers.

Speaking to attendees, on behalf of the Commissioner, the Senior Director and National Coordinator for the National Social Protection Secretariat, expressed optimism that the engagement will pave a smooth way for the triumphant commencement of the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) project. ‘’… we have from inception engaged all stakeholders including local councils and it is evident that our engagement will greatly contribute to the successes of the new project as it was manifested during the implementation of the Social Safety Net Project.’’ He ended. Within this context, other Senior Directors and Directors reiterated the Commission’s commitment in working closely with the councils to enhance project delivery speed, accuracy and outcomes.

‘’We are certain that there are a lot of experts from various councils and it will be of great impact to us as institutions and to the people we serve if this expertise is properly utilised. The more reason for this engagement; increase knowledge on social protection implementation programmes and clearly detail roles and responsibilities of the councils to avoid overlapping and duplication of efforts that will further affect social services targeted to the poor and vulnerable.’’

The workshop targeted technical staff including Chief Administrators, Deputy Chief Administrators, Finance Officers (FO), Development Planning Officers (DPO), Environmental & Social Officers, Internal Auditors, Gender Officers, IEC Officers, Works Engineers, Monitoring & Evaluation Officers, Procurement Officers, Quality Control Officers and Evaluation Officers. In his statement to galaxy of journalists, the Development Planning Officer for Bonthe Municipal Council; Adu Vandi Knodorvoh believes that this engagement will enhance total inclusion of the council at all stages of implementation ‘’ we are closer to the people will serve and through us, they will better understand the key project information…’’ He ended.

For more information on this and other matters*, Kindly contact IEC Unit; * *+23277022709/+23278319419/+23230518539

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