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The newly appointed NaCSA Commisisoner Ambassador Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina alongside the Deputy Commisisoner and the team paid a courtesy visit to the Hon. Vice President who according to the Parliamentary Act of 2015 as amended is the supervisor of NaCSA.

The Commissioner in his opening statement said _*“My role as a Commissioner is to collaborate with partners to REBRAND and realign our mandates with the government’s BIG FIVE GAME CHANGERS to accelerate economic growth and building resilience. NaCSA is a hybrid organization, I am here to clean off all bottlenecks or potentials that might delay implementation and to promote His Excellency Retired Brigadier Dr. Julius Maada Bio’s agenda of Prompt Action On Poverty Alleviation.”*_

The Hon. Vice President in his response thanked the Commissioner and team and welcomed the *REBRANDING* of NACSA as a semi-cooperate organization that will efficiently implement government agendas, he promised to ensure proper coordination between NaCSA and the Associated Ministries Departments, and Agencies.

The meeting ended with the taking of photos and the Presentation of a Rollup Banner that describes how NaCSA intends to realign with the *Government Big Five Game Changers* to the Vice President.

*for further information on this and other matters, Please contact the Information, Education and Communication unit*


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