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For Effective Project Implementation, NaCSA Signs MOU  with ACC...

Tuesday, 18th June 2024

Integrity House, Tower Hill Freetown* - To ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) project, the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

The purpose of this MoU is to formalise the existing relationship between the ACC and NaCSA. As detailed, the MOU sets forth the understandings and intentions of the Parties concerning shared and complementary goals of the PSSNYE Project. The Parties entered into this MOU with the commitment to maintain their own separate and unique missions and mandates.

It could be recalled that the ACC has been managing the Grievance Redress Mechanism aspect of the previous Social Safety Nets (SSN) project and the ongoing PSSNYE project. At the project level, the ACC’s work goes beyond corruption prosecution to prevention and complaint handling.

Speaking during the signing ceremony, the Deputy Commissioner of NaCSA, Sir Jimmy Batilo Songa re-emphasised the importance of the ACC in the implementation of the PSSNYE project. He confirmed that the toll-free line 8515 is working with Africell but urged the team to ensure that the toll-free line is working with all other networks. *‘’… on behalf of the Commissioner, I want to reaffirm to you that NaCSA is on the ‘’speed boat’’ of project implementation. The Ndomahinalisation (rebranding) process pays particular attention to effective and efficient project implementation. We will provide all needed support to the ACC to ensure that the PSSNYE project, especially its Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) aspect is well coordinated and implemented.’’* He noted.

The Deputy Commissioner of ACC; Augustine Foday-Ngobie welcomed the team from NaCSA with a clear assurance that the ACC is ready to go to the last mile as far as it is in the best interest of Sierra Leone. He urged the NaCSA team to relate with the ACC as per the dictates of the MOU and promised to ensure that the 8515 toll-free line is operational on all networks.

After signing the MOU, the two institutions agree to work together in the fight to alleviate poverty.

*For further information on this and other matters, don't hesitate to get in touch with The Information, Education and Communication Unit: at *+23277022709/+23278319419/+23230518539*

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