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NaCSA Inspects its District office at Waterloo

12th August, 2022, Waterloo Rural District - The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has inspected its district Office at Waterloo, Western Rural District. Following the August 10 insurrection, the district office and warehouse were completely burnt down by some mean, unscrupulous and unknown persons.

To inspect and collect detailed information, the Deputy Commissioner of NaCSA – Sir Jimmy Batilo Songa, the Minister of Social Welfare – Madam Baindu Dassama and a team of experts visited the site. The team further engaged the Sierra Leone Police (SLP) and other strategic stakeholders to fully investigate the incident.

Though the two institutions (NaCSA and MSW) have not published a full report on the same, preliminary findings indicate that properties including office equipment, motorbikes, tricycle and other relevant materials were in the warehouse and such have not been found. ‘’…we are working closely with the police, the Security sector and the Ministry of Social Welfare to fully investigate the matter and submit a detail report to the relevant authorities.’’ Jimmy concluded.

*For more information on this and other matters, *

Please Contact NaCSA IEC unit


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