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*NaCSA House. 14-16 Charlotte Street Freetown.*

The Technical Review Committee members of the Pro-Poor Growth for Peace Consolidation and Youth Employment Project (GPCYE) at the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) have approved District Application Forms’ (DAFs) projects for implementation in Kambia, Kono and Bonthe Districts.

The committee members approved the DAF’s projects for the three districts in the committee meeting held on Thursday 11th July, 2024 at the conference room of NaCSA Headquarters on Charlotte Street, Freetown.

The approved DAF’s projects comprised five feeder roads and five grain stores and ancillary facilities in Kambia; one bridge in Kono; and, one feeder road in Bonthe.

Speaking at the committee’s meeting, the NaCSA GPCYE Programme Manager, Salifu Mansaray, said the objection of the GPC Programme is to contribute to the improvement of employment and income situation of youths in rural communities through the provision of enhanced economic infrastructure - feeder roads including bridges, grain store and ancillary facilities along selected value chains of cocoa/coffee, rice, cattle and vegetables through labour intensive means.

He said the Technical Review Committee comprised major programme stakeholders for critical examination of priority list of projects submitted by District Councils from the District Development Plans to NaCSA for approval and make recommendations for funding to the donor (Kfw).

According to Mr. Mansaray, DAF is a mini proposal stating the problem with key supporting facts and data and why the problem needs to be solved.

He gave a brief background to the GPC Project saying the programme came as a result of a financial cooperation agreement between the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through the German Development Bank (KFW) and NaCSA being the executing agency of government.

The Programme Manager informed that the GPCYE is divided into four components - Infrastructure Investment, Operation and Maintenance, Training and Capacity Building Measures for NaCSA.

The NaCSA Commissioner, Ambassador Ernest Baimba Ndomahina, disclosed that the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) through NaCSA and the Federal Government of Germany signed financing agreement of EU17.5 million to support the next phase of GPCYE Programme.

He underscored the importance of the TRC meeting saying it was an opportunity for members to have insight knowledge of the DAFs projects and make recommendations.

Commissioner Ndomahina said NaCSA is working to ensure His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio’s ‘Feed Salone’ agenda is successful with the establishment of feeder roads linking communities to markets.

He said NaCSA will ensure the GPCYE fund is impactful and utilized in the best interest of people in the rural communities, while he expressed gratitude to the donor partner and MDAs’ representatives for their partnership to the project.

The Chairpersons of Kambia, Kono and Bonthe Districts Councils expressed gratitude to NaCSA for its interventions in their respective districts under the GPC Programme.

They thanked the commission for its inclusive and participatory approaches in all the projects implementation in rural communities.

*For more information on this and other matters, do not hesitate to contact the Information Education and Communication (IEC) unit via:* *+23277022709/+23230518539*/

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