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NaCSA Stands Tall at the Project Portfolio Performance Review Meeting...

*NaCSA House, 14-16 Charlotte Street, Freetown*

Earlier Yesterday, during the project portfolio Performance meeting at the State House, a team of experts from the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) led by the Deputy Commissioner of NaCSA; Sir Jimmy Batilo Songa has presented the status reports of various projects implemented by the Commission. 


A Country Portfolio Performance Review (CPPR) was carried out in 2023 by the Ministry of Finance in coordination with funding partners. The evaluation aimed to evaluate the performance and quality of the country portfolio as a whole. In addition, the CPPR seeks to guide for resolving identified deficiencies by drawing on experiences gained from the implementation of portfolio improvement plans.


It was within this framework that the Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development hosted a holistic engagement of all project implementation units. The goal of this comprehensive involvement was to pinpoint implementation issues, have candid conversations, and devise a plan of action to have these projects completed by the prearranged payout dates.


Consistent with the shift in its operational paradigm and programmatic focus, the Commission is currently implementing several projects aimed at serving as catalysts for sustainable development.  Truth is, NacSA is implementing a range of projects which have been strategically aligned with the government's big five game changers. Having reviewed the Productive Social Safety Net and Youth Employment (PSSNYE) Project and the second phase of the Sierra Leone Community Development Driven project implemented by the Commission, it was noted that these projects are performing well.

*‘’It has been described by many including project managers that the recalibration of the Commission’s operational epitome is aligned with the national development agenda. The ‘’Ndomanisation’’ of the Commission has gingered the staff and delivery structure to the extent that projects are implemented with speed and accuracy.’’* Sir Jimmy Batilo Songa happily expressed.

*For further information on this and other matters,* *Please contact:*

*The Information, Education and Communication Unit*


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