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NaCSA Takes Preliminary Steps to Construct ‘’NaCSA House’’ in Each Regional Headquarters Town...


NaCSA, Makeni District Office, Teko Road,

Makeni; Saturday 17th February 2024 -*

With strategic support from the Board of Directors, Management and Staff of the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA), the Commissioner of NaCSA – Amb. Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina and his deputy – Sir Jimmy Batilo have initiated critical early steps to commence the construction of ultra-modern regional offices in each regional headquarters. The Commission has secured a piece of land in Makeni and Bo, the regional headquarters of the South and North-east of Sierra Leone. Eminent persons like the Provincial Secretary, Paramount Chiefs, and city and district councils have been part of these gains and whose roles remain untouched.

After being appointed as a Commissioner of NaCSA by His Excellency Dr Julius Maada Bio, Ambassador Ndomahina established a structure to rebrand the commission with an emphasis on prompt, accurate, and thorough service delivery. By encouraging cooperation and staff engagement, he has deftly been able to infuse the commission with fresh life and optimism. To the appreciation of beneficiaries, beneficiary communities, and other government ministries, departments, and agencies, this has garnered national and worldwide reviews. The rebranding strategy's distinctive features are its inclusivity and conformity to the Feed Salone agenda - the nation's development framework.

The strategy is building enduring legacies which will pave the way for a sustainable community and national development.  Changing the outlook of NaCSA House at 14th-16 Charlotte Street, Freetown, repositioning administrative processes and procedures to enhance speed and accuracy in service delivery, staff welfare and better condition of services, resource mobilization, building staff capacity to respond promptly to national development requests, substantially take lead in implementing the big five game changers and construction of ultra-modern offices are part of the rebranding package.

Speaking at the proposed site, Commissioner Ndomahina noted that he has paid a courtesy call to the mayor of the Makeni City Council, the Chairperson for the Bombali District Council and the Provincial Secretary.  *‘’At NaCSA, we have been on a rebranding exercise, and we believe that our visibility and partnership framework should be prioritized. Our presence here is a demonstration of our willingness to change the physical and programmatic setup of NaCSA. An office space at Bombali and other regional headquarters towns will demonstrate our level of seriousness in implementing development programmes.’’* Chief Ndomahina noted.

He further stated that the rebranding exercise is flowing down from headquarters to the regional, district and hub offices across the country. *‘’Once we succeed in establishing NaCSA regional Offices, our visibility will be enhanced, and we will bring people closer to the Commission thereby empowering them to hold us to account which will eventually ensure donor confidence and trust.* *The end product of transparency and accountability is more funding to embark on more development initiatives. We have been supporting institutions, we also want to support our institution – NaCSA especially when the Commission is more than twenty years old.’’*

At the climax of his interview, the Commissioner noted that *"achieving the bigger picture of His Excellency Dr Julius Maada Bio's development agenda requires deliberate effort to collaborate with the city and district councils. This is because the councils are the gateway to the communities. I want to encourage stakeholders to work together with other strategic partners who are in for development. I have asked the Regional Coordinator to get us a surveyor to determine the land space, our engineer will then take forward till such a time we will turn the sod for the construction of NaCSA House in Makeni City.’’* Commissioner Ended.

Both the Regional Coordinator Md. Fataba Fatmata Babawo and the District Coordinator Md. Sinto Kargbo were part of the entourage. The Regional Coordinator for NaCSA, Fatmata Babawo Fataba, registered that she is happy to have a regional office owned by the Commission. *‘’…we are ready as a team at the regional to give the maximum needed in ensuring that the construction of the regional office is a success.’’* She noted.

The site visit rekindled a new hope for sustained visibility for the government of Sierra Leone, the Commission and donor funding agencies. 


*For further information on this and other matters, * *Please contact:*  *The Information, Education and Communication Unit* *+23277022709/+23278319419/+23230518539*

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